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Databox is simply said ,,an email box" but with certified signature.


- If you log in and create an letter - if you send it from Databox, it is considered as signed by you. And also officially delivered immediately after sending - as opposite to print the letter, sign it and send it as registered letter via Česká Pošta.

- Sending letters via Databox is free in opposite with ca. 80Kč per registered letter by Česká pošta.


- If the Czech government want you something, they need to let you know. If you don't have the Databox, they will send you the registered letter via Česká pošta.

Biggest problem is, that if the postman does not find you at home (the used address) he left the letter on Post office and after 10 days it is considered delivered! So you actually don't have to know at all that there was any letter, but all the legal consequences are the same as it was properly delivered! (We know many cases where the residence permit were revoke only because the original letter was ,,delivered" by this means and the person was really removed in the end spending a lot of money for lawyers in lost battle - (and the original letter only asked some trivial request to supplement). But by not delivering, you fail to do so and the legal consequences are in order.

- If you do have the Databox - the government is due to send everything via the Databox. And if they do mistake and sent the letter via Česká pošta and it is ,,delivered" as in previous example - it is not considered delivered and it is really easy to fight it and ,,make it right" once you find out.


Yes, to create the Databox via CzechPoint, you need to present documents about your name or names, surname, maiden name, date of birth, place and country of birth and nationality. So generally a passport. No citizenship or special Czech issued document is needed.


There are many ways how to create the Data box, however, for you, as foreigner, probably just two of them are relevant:

- Czech Point

You need to personally visit one of the CzechPoint places with Česká pošta. (List here)

-    Bank identity.
If you already have Czech bank account and you are logging into internet banking, you probably do so with the Bank identity. At many banks, you can use the same login data to create and access the Data box. (We will never ask you for this login information! You log in always in you bank interface!)


In email with confirmation about the payment - there will be attached also detailed manuals with instructions how to: Set up the Databox. And how to set up the Authorized person to ,,connect us" with it. (It is easy! Even though the manual is detailed, it has only 2 pages.)


Not automatically. 

We are not processing any of your payment data - no card details etc. are stored with us. We have no way how to charge you anything ,,extra". There are no hidden fees and payments during the prepaid period ;-)

Before the end of the prepaid period of time, we will send you an email with payment details for next period. Either you pay and the service continues, or you don't and it is terminated by the end of the prepaid period.


For your protection - We have no rights to send letters via your Databox! We only have ,,to read" permissions. 

So the answer is No. The service is based on helping you with understanding of the situation and giving you general advice about how to solve it yourself. We are not providing any legal services - including creation of official letters for specific case. But we will provide you with free templates for similar situation ;-).

If you have problem which you can not solve yourself with the original advice, templates etc., we will recommend you an attorney at law to process it with you. He then can do the filings for you.


This service adds SMS notice that email with letter and explanation was send to your email.


This service ensures that you really know that email with the letter and explanation was sent. We will attempt a couple of calls to you few days after the email was sent to verify you received it.


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